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Posledných 5 rokov
- Vršková, R., Kamencay, P., Hudec, R., Sýkora, P.: A vew deep-learning method for human activity recognition, Sensors, CH, 2023, V3, WOS, SCOPUS, ISSN-1424-3210, EN
- Bienik, J., Uhrina, M., Ševčík, L., Holešová, A.: Impact of packet loss rate on quality of compressed high resolution videos, Sensors, CH, 2023, V3, WOS, SCOPUS, ISSN-1424-3210, EN
- Andriukaitis, D., Pan, Y., Brída, P.: Emerging electronics technologies and solutions for eco-friendly cities, Electronics, CH, 2023, V3, WOS, SCOPUS, ISSN-2079-9292 (online), EN
- Cibira, G., Glesk, I., Dubovan, J.: SNR-based denoising dynamic statistical threshold detection of FBG spectral peaks, Journal of Lightwave Technology = IEEE journal of lightwave technology = JLT, US, 2023, V3, WOS, SCOPUS, ISSN-0733-8724, EN
- Papán, J., Brídová, I., Brída, P., Hraška, M., Tatarka, S., Yeremenko, O.: Comparison of new solutions in IP fast reroute, Elektronika ir Elektrotechnika = Electronics and Electrical Engineering : Electrical Engineering : Elektros Inžinerija : Research Journal, LT, 2023, V3, WOS, SCOPUS, ISSN-1392-1215, EN
- Tiotsop, L., Servetti, A., Barkowsky, M., Počta, P., Miždoš, T., Van Wallendael, G., Masala, E.: Predicting individual quality ratings of compressed images through deep CNNs-based artificial observers, Signal Processing: Image Communication : Theory, Techniques & Applications, NL, 2023, V3, WOS, SCOPUS, ISSN-0923-5965, EN
- Matúška, S., Machaj, J., Hutár, M., Brída, P.: A development of an IoT-based connected university system, Sensors, CH, 2023, V3, WOS, SCOPUS, ISSN-1424-3210, EN
- Kamencay, P., Markovič, M., Dubovan, J., Dado, M., Benedikovič, D.: Neural-network-optimized vehicle classification using clustered image and fiber-sensor datasets, IEEE Access : practical innovations, open solutions, US, 2023, V3, WOS, SCOPUS, ISSN-2169-3536 (online), EN
- Jenis, J., Ondriga, J., Hrček, S., Brumerčík, F., Čuchor, M., Sádovský, E.: Engineering applications of artificial intelligence in mechanical design and optimization, Machines, CH, 2023, V3, WOS, SCOPUS, ISSN-2075-1702 (online), EN
- Jakubec, M., Lieskovská, E., Bučko, B., Zábovská, K.: Comparison of CNN-based models for pothole detection in real-world adverse conditions, Applied sciences, CH, 2023, V3, WOS, SCOPUS, ISSN-2076-3417 (online), EN
- Parihar, A., Swami, P., Choi, K., Brída, P., Bhatia, V.: On performance of NOMA-based wireless powered communication networks assisted with power beacons and PPP distributed IN, IEEE WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS LETTERS, US, 2023, V3, WOS, SCOPUS, ISSN-2162-2337, EN
- Korček, R., Cheben, P., Fraser, W., Schmid, J., Milanizadeh, M., Alonso-Ramos, C., Ye, W., Benedikovič, D.: Low-loss grating coupler based on inter-layer mode interference in a hybrid silicon nitride platform, Optics Letters : a publication of the Optical Society of America, US, 2023, V3, WOS, SCOPUS, ISSN-0146-9592, EN
- Bajzík, J., Přinosil, J., Jarina, R., Mekyska, J.: Independent channel residual convolutional network for gunshot detection, International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications, GB, 2022, V3, WOS, SCOPUS, ISSN-2158-107X, EN
- Vršková, R., Hudec, R., Kamencay, P., Sýkora, P.: Human activity classification using the 3DCNN architecture, Applied sciences, CH, 2022, V3, WOS, SCOPUS, ISSN-2076-3417 (online), EN
- Ševčík, L., Voznak, M.: Adaptive reservation of network resources according to video classification scenes, Sensors, CH, 2022, V3, WOS, SCOPUS, ISSN-1424-3210, EN
- Van, H., Van, Q., Le, D., Ševčík, L., Duy, N., Nguyen, H., Voznak, M.: Threshold-based wireless-based NOMA systems over log-normal channels, Elektronika ir Elektrotechnika = Electronics and Electrical Engineering : Electrical Engineering : Elektros Inžinerija : Research Journal, , 2022, V3, WOS, SCOPUS, ISSN-1392-1215, EN
- Fabo, P., Nejedlík, P., Kuba, M., Onderka, M., Podhorský, D.: Applicability of the ultra-high radio frequency band (UHF) for hydrometeor detection by phase difference method, Contributions to Geophysics and Geodesy : The Journal of Geophysical Institute of Slovak Academy of Sciences, SK, 2022, V3, WOS, SCOPUS, ISSN-1335-2806, EN
- Jakubík, M., Počta, P.: A benchmark of non-intrusive parametric audio quality estimation models for broadcasting systems and web-casting applications, Advances in Electrical and Electronic Engineering, SK, 2022, V3, WOS, SCOPUS, ISSN-1336-1376, EN
- Benedikovič, D., Virot, L., Aubin, G., Hartmann, J., Amar, F., Le Roux, X., Alonso-Ramos, C., Cassan, É., Marris-Morini, D., Boeuf, F., Fédéli, J., Szelag, B., Vivien, L.: Silicon-germanium avalanche receivers with fJ/bit energy consumption, IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics, US, 2022, V3, WOS, SCOPUS, ISSN-1077-260X, EN
- Alahmadi, M., Počta, P., Melvin, H.: An adaptive bitrate switching algorithm for speech applications in context of WebRTC, ACM Transactions on multimedia computing, communications, and applications, US, 2022, V3, WOS, SCOPUS, ISSN-1551-6857, EN
- Orješek, R., Jarina, R., Chmulík, M.: End-to-end music emotion variation detection using iteratively reconstructed deep features, Multimedia Tools and Applications : An International Journal, CH, 2022, V3, WOS, SCOPUS, ISSN-1380-7501, EN
- Tiotsop, L., Miždoš, T., Barkowsky, M., Počta, P., Servetti, A., Masala, E.: Mimicking individual media quality perception with neural network based artificial observers, ACM Transactions on multimedia computing, communications, and applications, US, 2022, V3, WOS, SCOPUS, ISSN-1551-6857, EN
- Vršková, R., Hudec, R., Kamencay, P., Sýkora, P.: A new approach for abnormal human activities recognition based on ConvLSTM architecture, Sensors, CH, 2022, V3, WOS, SCOPUS, ISSN-1424-3210, EN
- Seyedzadeh, S., Agapiou, A., Moghaddasi, M., Dado, M., Glesk, I.: WON-OCDMA system based on MW-ZCC codes for applications in optical wireless sensor networks, Sensors, CH, 2022, V3, WOS, SCOPUS, ISSN-1424-3210, EN
- Vaňko, M., Müllerová, J., Dado, M.: Numerical analysis of parameter optimization in slow light phase-shifted fiber bragg gratings, Materials Transactions, JP, 2022, V3, WOS, ISSN-1345-9678, EN
- Brídová, I., Brída, P., Papán, J., Krejcar, O.: New advanced approach for data flows prioritization at an output of a user terminal, IEEE Access : practical innovations, open solutions, US, 2022, V3, WOS, SCOPUS, ISSN-2169-3536 (online), EN
- Kirimtat, A., Tasgetiren, M., Brída, P., Krejcar, O.: Control of PV integrated shading devices in buildings, Building and Environment : the international journal of building science and its applications, NL, 2022, V3, WOS, SCOPUS, ISSN-0360-1323, EN
- Despotovic, V., Počta, P., Zgank, A.: Audio-based active and assisted living, Computers in Biology and Medicine : an international journal, NL, 2022, V3, WOS, SCOPUS, ISSN-0010-4825, EN
- Petrov, T., Počta, P., Kováčiková, T.: Benchmarking 4G and 5G-based cellular-V2X for vehicle-to-infrastructure communication and urban scenarios in cooperative Intelligent Transportation Systems, Applied sciences, CH, 2022, V3, WOS, SCOPUS, ISSN-2076-3417 (online), EN
- Finkelberg, I., Petrov, T., Gal-Tzur, A., Zarkhin, N., Počta, P., Kováčiková, T., Buzna, Ľ., Dado, M., Toledo, T.: The effects of vehicle-to-infrastructure communication reliability on performance of signalized intersection traffic control, IEEE transactions on intelligent transportation systems, US, 2022, V3, WOS, SCOPUS, ISSN-1524-9050, EN
- Cucor, B., Petrov, T., Kamencay, P., Pourhashem, G., Dado, M.: Physical and digital infrastructure readiness index for connected and automated vehicles, Sensors, CH, 2022, V3, WOS, SCOPUS, ISSN-1424-3210, EN
- Gleskova, H., Ishaku, A., Bednár, T., Hudec, R.: Optimization of all-textile capacitive sensor array for smart chair, IEEE Access : practical innovations, open solutions, US, 2022, V3, WOS, SCOPUS, ISSN-2169-3536 (online), EN
- Matúška, S., Machaj, J., Hudec, R., Kamencay, P.: An improved IoT-based system for detecting the number of people and their distribution in a classroom, Sensors, CH, 2022, V3, WOS, SCOPUS, ISSN-1424-3210, EN
- Miždoš, T., Barkowsky, M., Počta, P., Uhrina, M.: 30 years of video coding evolution - what can we learn from it in terms of QoE?, Advances in Electrical and Electronic Engineering, SK, 2022, V3, WOS, SCOPUS, ISSN-1336-1376, EN
- Cibira, G., Glesk, I., Dubovan, J.: Dynamic bandwidth allocation for C-band shared FBG sensing and telecommunications, IEEE Internet of Things Journal, US, 2022, V3, WOS, SCOPUS, ISSN-2327-4662 (online), EN
- Petkovic, M., Bajovic, D., Vukobratovic, D., Machaj, J., Brída, P., McCutcheon, G., Stankovic, L., Stankovic, V.: Smart dimmable LED lighting systems, Sensors, CH, 2022, V3, WOS, SCOPUS, ISSN-1424-3210, EN
- Sahu, G., Seal, A., Bhattacharjee, D., Nasipuri, M., Brída, P., Krejcar, O.: Trends and prospects of techniques for haze removal from degraded images, IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computational Intelligence, US, 2022, V3, WOS, SCOPUS, ISSN-2471-285X (online), EN
- Brída, P., Krejcar, O., Kotsopoulos, S.: Enabling technologies for Smart Mobile Services 2020, Mobile Information Systems, GB, 2022, V3, WOS, SCOPUS, ISSN-1574-017X, EN
- Radilová, M., Kamencay, P., Hudec, R., Benčo, M., Radil, R.: Tool for parsing important data from web pages, Applied sciences, CH, 2022, V3, WOS, SCOPUS, ISSN-2076-3417 (online), EN
- Nguyen, H., Ševčík, L., Van, H.: Performance analysis on low-power energy harvesting wireless sensors eco-friendly networks with a novel relay selection scheme, Electronics, CH, 2022, V3, WOS, SCOPUS, ISSN-2079-9292 (online), EN
- Liu, Q., Benedikovič, D., Smy, T., Atieh, A., Cheben, P., Ye, W.: Circular optical phased arrays with radial nano-antennas, Nanomaterials, CH, 2022, V3, WOS, SCOPUS, ISSN-2079-4991 (online), EN
- Benedikovič, D., Liu, Q., Sanchez-Postigo, A., Atieh, A., Smy, T., Cheben, P., Ye, W.: Circular optical phased array with large steering range and high resolution, Sensors, CH, 2022, V3, WOS, SCOPUS, ISSN-1424-3210, EN
- Kučera, M., Brnčal, P., Cefer, V., Jarina, R., Gutten, M.: Analysis of acoustic and electromagnetic emission of traction transformers, Przegląd Elektrotechniczny = Electrotechnical Review, PL, 2021, ADM, WOS, SCOPUS, ISSN-0033-2097, pol
- Hudec, R., Matúška, S., Kamencay, P., Benčo, M.: A smart IoT system for detecting the position of a lying person using a novel textile pressure sensor, Sensors, CH, 2021, ADC, WOS, SCOPUS, ISSN-1424-3210, EN
- Tiotsop, L., Miždoš, T., Uhrina, M., Barkowsky, M., Počta, P., Masala, E.: Modeling and estimating the subjects' diversity of opinions in video quality assessment, Multimedia Tools and Applications : An International Journal, , 2021, ADC, WOS, SCOPUS, ISSN-1380-7501, EN
- Jakubík, M., Počta, P.: Non-intrusive parametric audio quality estimation models for broadcasting systems and web-casting applications based on Random Forest, Advances in Electrical and Electronic Engineering, SK, 2021, ADM, WOS, SCOPUS, ISSN-1336-1376, EN
- Petrov, T., Finkelberg, I., Zarkhin, N., Počta, P., Buzna, Ľ., Gal-Tzur, A., Kováčiková, T., Toledo, T., Dado, M.: A framework coupling vissim and omnet++ to simulate future intelligent transportation systems, Communications = Komunikácie : scientific letters of the University of Žilina, SK, 2021, ADN, SCOPUS, ISSN-1335-4205, EN
- Benedikovič, D., Virot, L., Aubin, G., Hartmann, J., Amar, F., Le Roux, X., Alonso-Ramos, C., Cassan, É., Marris-Morini, D., Fédéli, J., Boeuf, F., Szelag, B., Vivien, L.: Silicon–germanium receivers for short-wave-infrared optoelectronics and communications, Nanophotonics, DE, 2021, ADC, WOS, SCOPUS, ISSN-2192-8606, EN
- Brída, P., Machaj, J., Račko, J., Krejcar, O.: Algorithm for dynamic fingerprinting radio map creation using IMU measurements, Sensors, CH, 2021, ADC, WOS, SCOPUS, ISSN-1424-3210, EN
- Frnda, J., Pavličko, M., Ďurica, M., Ševčík, L., Voznak, M., Fournier-Viger, P., Lin, J.: A new perceptual evaluation method of video quality based on neural network, Intelligent data analysis, NL, 2021, ADC, WOS, SCOPUS, ISSN-1088-467X, EN
- Cinar, Y., Počta, P., Chambers, D., Melvin, H.: Improved jitter buffer management for WebRTC, ACM Transactions on multimedia computing, communications, and applications, US, 2021, ADC, WOS, SCOPUS, ISSN-1551-6857, EN
- Lieskovská, E., Jakubec, M., Jarina, R., Chmulík, M.: A review on speech emotion recognition using deep learning and attention mechanism, Electronics, CH, 2021, ADC, WOS, SCOPUS, ISSN-2079-9292 (online), EN
- Miždoš, T., Barkowsky, M., Uhrina, M., Počta, P.: How to reuse existing annotated image quality datasets to enlarge available training data with new distortion types, Multimedia Tools and Applications : An International Journal, , 2021, ADC, WOS, SCOPUS, ISSN-1380-7501, EN
- Petrov, T., Ševčík, L., Počta, P., Dado, M.: A performance benchmark for dedicated short-range communications and LTE-based cellular-V2X in the context of vehicle-to-infrastructure communication and urban scenarios, Sensors, CH, 2021, ADC, WOS, SCOPUS, ISSN-1424-3210, EN
- Machaj, J., Brída, P., Majer, N., Sčehovič, R.: Impact of GPS interference on time synchronization of DVB-T transmitters, Mobile Information Systems, , 2021, ADC, WOS, SCOPUS, ISSN-1574-017X, EN
- Uhrina, M., Holešová, A., Bienik, J., Ševčík, L.: Impact of scene content on high resolution video quality, Sensors, CH, 2021, ADC, WOS, SCOPUS, ISSN-1424-3210, EN
- Machaj, J., Brída, P., Matúška, S.: Proposal for a localization system for an IoT ecosystem, Electronics, CH, 2021, ADC, WOS, SCOPUS, ISSN-2079-9292 (online), EN
- Drusa, M., Kais, L., Dubovan, J., Markovič, M., Bahleda, F., Mečár, M.: Measurement of axial strain of geogrid by optical sensors, Sensors, CH, 2021, ADC, WOS, SCOPUS, ISSN-1424-3210, EN
- Ďurček, V., Kuba, M., Dado, M.: Investigation of random-structure regular LDPC codes construction based on progressive edge-growth and algorithms for removal of short cycles, Vostočno-evropejskij žurnal peredovch technologii = Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, UA, 2021, V3, SCOPUS, ISSN-1729-3774, EN
- Gutten, M., Korenčiak, D., Brnčal, P., Jarina, R.: Frequency diagnostics of insulating system of power transformers, Electrical Control and Communication Engineering, , 2020, ADM, WOS, ISSN-2255-9140, EN
- Miždoš, T., Barkowsky, M., Uhrina, M., Počta, P.: Linking bitstream information to QoE, Advances in Electrical and Electronic Engineering, SK, 2020, ADM, WOS, SCOPUS, ISSN-1336-1376, EN
- Petrov, T., Počta, P., Roman, J., Buzna, Ľ., Dado, M.: A feasibility study of privacy ensuring emergency vehicle approaching warning system, Applied sciences, CH, 2020, ADC, WOS, SCOPUS, ISSN-2076-3417 (online), EN
- Wieser, V., Adamec, B.: Šírenie varovných hlásení pre obyvateľstvo pomocou terestriálneho digitálneho rozhlasového vysielania T-DAB+, Krízový manažment = Crisis Management : vedecko-odborný časopis Fakulty bezpečnostného inžinierstva Žilinskej univerzity v Žiline : scientific-technical Journal of Faculty of Security Engineering at the University of Žilina in Žilina, SK, 2020, ADF, ISSN-1336-0019, EN
- Hudec, R., Matúška, S., Kamencay, P., Hudecová, L.: Concept of a wearable temperature sensor for intelligent textile, Advances in Electrical and Electronic Engineering, SK, 2020, ADM, WOS, SCOPUS, ISSN-1336-1376, EN
- Machaj, J., Brída, P., Majer, N.: Challenges introduced by heterogeneous devices for Wi-Fi–based indoor localization, Concurrency and computation-practice and experience, US, 2020, ADC, WOS, SCOPUS, ISSN-1532-0626, EN
- Frniak, M., Markovič, M., Kamencay, P., Dubovan, J., Benčo, M., Dado, M.: Vehicle classification based on FBG sensor arrays using neural networks, Sensors, CH, 2020, ADC, WOS, SCOPUS, ISSN-1424-3210, EN
- Fadeyi, O., Krejcar, O., Marešová, P., Kuča, K., Brída, P., Selamat, A.: Opinions on sustainability of smart cities in the context of energy challenges posed by cryptocurrency mining, Sustainability, CH, 2020, ADC, WOS, SCOPUS, ISSN-2071-1050 (online), EN
- Vavrík, V., Gregor, M., Grznár, P., Mozol, Š., Schickerle, M., Ďurica, L., Marschall, M., Bielik, T.: Design of manufacturing lines using the reconfigurability principle, Mathematics, CH, 2020, ADC, WOS, SCOPUS, ISSN-2227-7390 (online), EN
- Grznár, P., Gregor, M., Krajčovič, M., Mozol, Š., Schickerle, M., Vavrík, V., Ďurica, L., Marschall, M., Bielik, T.: Modeling and simulation of processes in a factory of the future, Applied sciences, CH, 2020, ADC, WOS, SCOPUS, ISSN-2076-3417 (online), EN
- Rodrigues, R., Počta, P., Melvin, H., Bernardo, M., Pereira, M., Pinheiro, A.: Audiovisual quality of live music streaming over mobile networks using MPEG-DASH, Multimedia Tools and Applications : An International Journal, , 2020, ADC, WOS, SCOPUS, ISSN-1380-7501, EN
- Matúška, S., Paralič, M., Hudec, R.: A smart system for sitting posture detection based on force sensors and mobile application, Mobile Information Systems, , 2020, ADC, WOS, SCOPUS, ISSN-1574-017X, EN
- Dubovan, J., Litvik, J., Benedikovič, D., Müllerová, J., Glesk, I., Veselovsky, A., Dado, M.: Impact of wind gust on high-speed characteristics of polarization mode dispersion in optical power ground wire cables, Sensors, CH, 2020, ADC, WOS, SCOPUS, ISSN-1424-3210, EN
- Sýkora, P., Kamencay, P., Hudec, R., Benčo, M., Šinko, M.: Comparison of neural networks with feature extraction methods for depth map classification, Advances in Military Technology, CZ, 2020, ADM, SCOPUS, ISSN-1802-2308, EN
- Tin, P., Nguyen, T., Tran, M., Trang, T., Ševčík, L.: Exploiting direct link in two-way half-duplex sensor network over block rayleigh fading channel, Sensors, CH, 2020, V3, WOS, SCOPUS, ISSN-1424-3210, EN
- Huynh, V., Tan-Loc, N., Quoc-Phu, M., Ševčík, L., Nguyen, H., Voznak, M.: Energy efficiency maximization of two-time-slot and three-time-slot two-way relay-assisted device-to-device underlaying cellular networks, Energies, CH, 2020, V3, WOS, SCOPUS, ISSN-1996-1073 (online), EN
- Počta, P., Beerends, J.: Subjective and objective assessment of the listening quality of customer support waiting loops, Acta Acustica United with Acustica = Akustische Zeitschrift : The Journal of the European Acoustics Association (EAA) : International Journal on Acoustics, DE, 2019, ADC, WOS, SCOPUS, ISSN-1610-1928, EN
- Campos Antunes, T., Bulle de Oliveira, A., Hudec, R., Crocetta, T., Ferreira de Lima Antao, J., de Almeida Barbosa, R., Guarnieri, R., Massetti, T., Garner, D., de Abreu, L.: Assistive technology for communication of older adults: a systematic review, Aging & Mental Health, , 2019, ADC, WOS, SCOPUS, ISSN-1360-7863, EN
- Vestenický, P., Vestenický, M.: The possibility of interference suppression by correlation receiver applied to marker localization, MENDEL : soft computing journal, CZ, 2019, ADM, SCOPUS, ISSN-1803-3814, EN
- Vestenický, P., Vestenický, M.: Optimization of receiving window width of the correlation receiver for radiofrequency identification marker localization, Distributed Sensor Networks : international Journal, US, 2019, ADC, WOS, SCOPUS, ISSN-1550-1477, EN
- Cheben, P., Čtyroký, J., Schmid, J., Wang, S., Lapointe, J., Wangüemert-Pérez, J., Molina-Fernández, Í., Ortega-Moñux, A., Halir, R., Melati, D., Xu, D., Janz, S., Dado, M.: Bragg filter bandwidth engineering in subwavelength grating metamaterial waveguides, Optics Letters : a publication of the Optical Society of America, US, 2019, ADC, WOS, SCOPUS, ISSN-0146-9592, EN